Verfügbarkeitssuche für Britannia Panopticon Music Hall

Galactic Carnival Debbie McCall

Britannia Panopticon Music Hall

Historic Buildings & Homes
Von/ab £1 per booking

The worlds oldest surviving music hall, where Stan Laurel made his stage debut. Now featuring the recently restored 1920's stage! Built in 1857, the Britannia Panopticon stands as testament to Glasgow's bawdy, saucy and lewd entertainment history. And it's still entertaining with music hall shows, Laurel and Hardy films presented by The Sons of The Desert, variety nights, classic films with live music performed by Gladstone's Bag, comedy club, drag, pantomime, sing-a-longs and more,.. Britannia Panopticon also has a quirky and interesting display of ephemera, artefacts and costume.


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