Búsqueda de disponibilidad para Mills Observatory

3 Visitor Attraction

Mills Observatory


We are delighted to welcome you back to Mills Observatory for the 2024 / 2025 season. Opening on 1st October, the Observatory will be open six nights a week. Mills is Britain’s first purpose-built public observatory, enjoying a magnificent woodland setting on the summit of Balgay Hill. It is free to enter and there is no need to book. Join us to watch stars and planets through our telescopes or admire the scenery with some spectacular treetop vistas across the silvery Tay. With fascinating space exploration and astronomical displays, planetarium shows and a fully computerised telescope that can detect 30,000 objects in the sky, there’s so much to see, do and learn. Night sky viewing is available when the clouds stay away.


Bucle magnético
Aparcamiento accesible o área de descenso

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