Beschikbaarheid zoeken voor Tigh na Mara Guesthouse

Paula Smalley
4 Guest House
iKnow Scotland
Taste Our Best

Tigh na Mara Guesthouse

Isle of Coll
Vanaf £100 per room per night

We offer you friendly Hebridean Island hospitality, in a wonderful lochside location, with views of Mull and the Treshnish Isles. Using local produce, when available, we are equally as proud of our breakfast offerings as we are of our home and Island.



Bekroningen en programma's


Canna (side view with private lounge & facilities) £200 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Coll (rear facing & small ensuite) £130 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Iona (shared facilities) £100 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Skye (rear facing & large ensuite) £150 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Staffa (shared facilities) £100 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Tiree (sea view & private facilities) £165 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)
Treshnish (sea view & ensuite) £150 Per room per night (breakfast inc.)

Note: Prices are a guide only and may change on a daily basis.


Accommodation Special Offer

Call on 01879 230354 for latest offers.

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