Beschikbaarheid zoeken voor Inverness Botanic Gardens

3 Garden

Inverness Botanic Gardens


Free Entry- Inverness Botanical Gardens, Nursery & Secret Garden. Offers a tranquil break from the hustle and bustle of city life. Amidst beautiful formal gardens, ponds, tropical house, cactus house, wild flower meadow and much more the Botanical Gardens is like an green emerald in the heart of the city. We are a charity and depend on donation and plant sales. Secret Garden- Free Entry Through a ramshackle gate at the back of the formal Gardens is the Secret Garden or the G.R.O.W. Project. It is run by adults with special needs. Over the last 20 years they have transformed a piece of waste ground into an amazing and productive garden. GROW stands for Garden, Recycle, Organic and Wildlife. Everything is done with these aims


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